We sell High-Protein hot sauces and other delicious mexican hot sauces

–Terkeetos Hot Sauce–
Authentic Flavor.

About Us

“We want to honor the legacy of women and Mexican-Indigenous tribes that work hard at bringing their families together with their home-cooked foods, as STUBBORN as they might be.

Our goal is to bring to your tables our delicious, family-owned recipes, known for their exceptional fusion of gourmet and traditional artisanal taste, as well as our warm hospitality, loving family, and unwavering commitment to community.”

-Mirsha R. Haro (CEO/Owner)

“Terkeetos” is a play on the Spanish Mexican-slang word, “Terco” which means STUBBORN. “TERKEETOS” ESSENTIALLY MEANS “LITTLE STUBBORN ONES”, AND IT SURE FITS OUR CORE VALUES AS WELL!

Our Core Values at Terkeetos



Hard working women help us every day and keep us families together on TOP of putting delicious food on our tables! My grandmother had 11 kids, with my mother being the 7th. She helped my grandfather by serving up some of the most delicious food in her little town in Mexico, and selling it locally. Enough to put 11 kids through college and then some! This is a testament to my mother, and my grandmother, and all women in the world who keep us all together, as STUBBORN as we might be!


Mexican Indigenous-Tribes

From the Mayans to the Aztecs and every tribe in between in Central United States and Mexico, these tribes have cultivated some of the most delicious and organically healthy recipes on the planet. Still so much is to be discovered in our culinary world in the USA. Part of our mission is to travel to Mexico and Central United States and give back to these tribes that helped cultivate a culture of rich and healthy foods.


Family and Community

With a single side of family having 11 kids, a large family has always been an understatement. Where would we all be without and families and friends anyways? It goes without saying or typing, that our warm hospitality and love for others doesn’t come suited in words, but in our actions, and we would love the opportunity to prove that to you!

Not only are our high-protein hot sauces good for your muscles, but they’re good for so much more as well!

Why our Hot Sauce?

Why Choose us?

Not Only do we have High-Protein based hot sauces, but our ingredients are all top quality and healthy for other reasons!

We understand the value and over-all good feeling that good food is. If it’s not closer to medicine, it’s closer to poison now-a-days! That’s why at Terkeetos, we only use high-quality ingredients that are also beneficial for not just your muscles!!

Grapeseed & Avocado Oils

Grapeseed and Avocado Oils are some of the healthiest oils in the world! They’re deliciously, and healthy fatty oils that aren’t pressed with other oils and recycled into a GMO mess. + NO CHOLESTEROL! Did you know, both Grapeseed and Avocado Oils are GREAT for keeping your HAIR shiny, as well as your SKIN and NAILS looking great too!
It’s not just great for the muscles, tongue, and tummy!

Garlic and Capsaicin

Did you know Garlic, has great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties? It has a ton more than what we just mentioned, but it works as a natural preservative as well! The Capsaicin (the heat of the chiles/peppers)also holds natural preserving properties that works hand-in-hand as a catalyst with the garlic for great preservation!

High in Vitamins, Antioxidants, & Minerals

Along with the rest of the ingredients mentioned above, the pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds also contain other healthy nutritious benefits to name a few, and that’s not even counting the oils from all the nuts, and seeds!

Testimonials from our Customers

” F lovvvve your sauces. I use it on everything!!!😋

– Tamara F. (On our Facebook page)

“I can’t wait to share this with my family, they’re gonna’ love it too!”

– Shane P. (Our first buyer)

“Give me 2 of each one, plus the shipping and handling, I don’t care!”

– Bobby L. (Our first customer Out-Of-State)

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